AECOsim Building Designer Help

Move (Room)

Used to move rooms and adjacent ceiling and underfloor plenums, while continuously maintaining and updating the room/plenum surface types and adjacency relationships with other rooms/plenums or with the outside environment. For instance, a partition in the moved room/plenum is made smaller when the room/plenum is moved away from an adjacent room/plenum. Simultaneously, the area of the partition wall that was reduced is converted to be of the exposed wall surface type.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Energy Simulator > Home > Rooms > Move

Move room tool settings vary for multiple story buildings and single story buildings.

Multiple story

Single story

Current floor When on, the selected room is moved from its original location to another location on the same floor.
Destination floor When on, the selected room is moved from its original location to another location on the selected floor.
  • Floor drop-down list — Used to select the floor to move the selected room into.
Floor level lock When on, rooms can only be moved to a location on the same floor. When off, rooms can be moved to different floors.
Inclusive Plenum When on, any ceiling or underfloor plenum in contact with the selected room are also moved. When off, plenums are not moved.